Sunday, August 30, 2009

Willingly Yours

By now, you probably know that Wowowee is one Philippine facet that I am not proud off. I even went to the extent of saying that "it's one of the suckiest shows on local telly ever!" in one of my blogs.

Recent political developments rumors suggest that the infamous host of the show by the name of Willie Revillame was asked Manny Villar to run for senator under Villar's slate.

A more recent political rumor surfaced that the infamous host might actually run for vice-president instead! And I see humongous neon "WTF!!" signs floating all over your heads. Right?!?!

Juan Country's blog says that during a conversation between Kris Aquino and Revillame during an episode of SNN, the latter dropped hints of the possibility that he might actually run for the second highest position in the government.

It's bad enough that Revillame might run for a Senate seat, why make matters worse by running for VP? And what scares me the most is that Filipinos might actually vote for him.

And if he does win, our country will become a laughing stock of the international community. And we'll never hear the end of it.

"The country that voted for a host of one of the lamest shows not just in Philippine shores but in television history worldwide."

Would you want that? I don't think so.

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