Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bloggers and Sen. Escudero

We ate our food and waited. Past the chicharon, Coke Lights (yes, that's how the waiter called it), loads of laughter, magic tricks and chatter (we tried to figure out how much sisig can be bought from Gerry's with $20,000), it was finally our table's turn. It's 9:15pm.

Bloggers had the privilege of spending some informal time with Sen. Francis Escudero at the Club House of his political party in New Manila.

So there we were, seated on wooden chairs around the Senator. We knew what we wanted to ask but no one seemed eager to draw first blood.

Before we knew it, everyone's laughing and the conversation did not feel as awkward anymore.

The million-peso question was somehow a given: are you planning to run for President next year?

Sans pretense, he answers that he does want and plan to run for President. He said that he's running for two reasons - 1. he wants to prove that the younger generation can be entrusted to lead this country and 2. the younger generations are to suffer for the bad governance that the older ones are continually running.

He reinforces this by saying that he'd want to run while his still young and idealistic, because for him the government doesn't make one better but worse through time.

He also promised his wife that if he does lose next year, he'd stop politics altogether, saying that there must be someone else who can do the job.

An animated discussion followed regarding his choice for VP and Senators.

The night ended with a twisted fork on the Senator's palm.

The 2010 Presidential Elections is right around the corner and every one is running with their best foot forward.

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