Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Tip-ping Point

I hate giving tips. Especially to waiters/waitresses who are of the Slowpoke kind. Or whenever I see the service person's face that s/he seems to hate what they're doing. Such people do not deserve an extra bill in their pocket. I bet they cheated on the "Pleasing Personality" test. So when I read on GMANews.TV that the infamous President spent P6 million on tips during her US visit, my first thought was "dengggg, those service guys are lucky! The President gave them 6million in total when she can't do the same thing for her countrymen."

Albeit the controversial meals of Gloria, the woman and her entourage still had the guts to spend P6million - SIX-FREAKIN-MILLION-PESOS - on tips for those who served them during the 6-day US trip. This is according to a breakdown of expenses provided to GMANews.TV by the Palace's deputy executive secretary for administration and finance, Susanna Vargas.

They spent $66,000 = P3,300,000 in Washington DC and $59,000 = P2,950,000 in New York. ($1 = P50)


Maybe they'd use another scapegoat Congressman to claim that they paid all that. Or maybe Mikey Arroyo would say that there is more "dignity" in tipping that much than eating in turo-turos or McDo.

Quick question: IS THIS TAX-PAYERS' MONEY?

And I close my ears, so as not to hear the truth or lies that they would answer.

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