Sunday, August 2, 2009

Yellow Ribbons

She is an image of democracy having toppled a 20-year dictatorship.
She fought a dictator, armed with a hand shaped like an L.
She was the first woman President in Asia.
She survived six coup attempts.
She is Corazon Aquino.
And yesterday, she passed away.
The country lost a leader who fought hard to regain freedom lost.
We lost an icon. A public servant. A fighter.
We lost a hero.

Mrs. Aquino became President right after the People Power in EDSA in 1986. And she was regarded as the hope that would bring our torn country back on its feet.
In 2001, our country ousted a President through another People and mistakenly appoints the VP, thinking that she too would bring the country back to its feet. Boy, were we all wrong.

I don't think I can say the same things for PGMA.
That she is an image of democracy, an icon, a public servant and a hero.
I don't think she reflects even the slightest glimpse of all four characteristics.

I think Mrs. Aquino deserves a National Hero status :) well, that's just me.

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