Monday, August 24, 2009

"Politics of God"

The title of this blog, he says, is what his campaign will be all about. Eddie Villanueva proclaimed recently that he will run for President at the May 2010 Presidential elections. I was reading Carlo Ople's blog - JuanCountry - when I came across his blog on Villanueva's bid for Presidency. And my blood pressure shoot up to it's highest level.

When that pastor from Cebu claimed that Villanueva is the "David of this Generation," one thought came to mind "WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!!!!!"

And I quote Ople's blog:

"The pastor boldly declared that Brother Eddie is the “David of this Generation”. He goes a bit further, saying that Brother Eddie is God’s anointed one and that he will be the one to set the Filipino people free. In his message, the pastor also calls on the people to rally behind Bro. Eddie and to support him in whatever way and form they can. He talks about building an “army of change” from all corners of the Philippines which will destroy the machinery of old politics and will bring about the freedom of the country.

In response, you could see the thousands of followers raising their hands, crying, and shouting praises to God.

A Dangerous Promise
What’s wrong with what happened last night? Personally I find it to be worrisome because they’re painting Bro. Eddie to be a messiah of sorts for the Philippines. What’s also alarming is that they’re zeroing in on God and the paradise that the country will become instead of talking about a concrete platform of governance."

Notice the lines that I put on bold. As much as I do believe that only God can flip this country around, we are also in desperately need for "a concrete platform of governance" that I don't think Villanueva has.

What irks me the most is that he claims that he was "called" by God to run.. AGAIN. Sounds utterly disturbing. Cause he claimed the same thing in 2004. Christians believed him, so they supported and voted for him. And when he lost, he staged a rally claiming that he was cheated out of Presidency. Didn't he think that maybe it was God who did not want him to win in the first place? And that only FPJ has the right to claim that he was indeed cheated out of office?

I will not vote for you Villanueva. Not next year, not ever.

And I think Ople's challenge for Villanueva was spot on:

If Brother Eddie does push through with his candidacy, I have this one appeal. Do not use the name of God in vain. This is a political arena, and you should talk about your political agenda. If you really believe you can bring about reform and change, then explain how you will do it and don’t just say big words like “righteousness”.

Yes Villanueva, MAY PAG-ASA PA. And you're NOT IT.


  1. I think he was really cheated. I don't think that his votes were that small. Anyway, all of the candidates got cheated naman.

    Let us remember, even if God calls us, it doesn't mean that we'll attain the result that we want (for Eddie, to be president last 2004). So what if God really called Villanueva to run for president, but withheld the position from him? If he really followed God's call the last elections, then I respect him. If not, it's between him and God. Same applies now.

    I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

    But, I do believe that he should not be as vocal. Better yet, he shouldn't have claimed those claims.

  2. who's to say what God wants for other people though? you can't claim that God is definitely NOT calling him to run.

    anyway. food for thought. i wouldn't vote for him either though.

  3. @Ian he may deserve the benefit of the doubt, but it ends there. at least for me. i don't think I'll ever vote for him. and even if he was cheated, i think God's sovereignty of not letting him win back in 2004 should have been enough explanation for him instead of staging a rally against the results. (i would have expected it more from FPJ, at least he wasn't claiming any divine being calling him to run)

  4. @Pauline haha it's ok with me if he is indeed being called by God to run. but that would have been more believable the first time around. although yes, i can't claim that he isn't really being called. but i can contest his claims. at least in my own demented world. :) honestly, i would have respected him more, if he just ran without the pretense of being "called" but i still would not vote for him.

  5. First two comments said just about everything I wanted to say - I can't say anything about him "being called" but I probably won't be voting for him. I think it's great though that more Christians (hopefully not only by label) are stepping up and getting more involved in politics...
