Saturday, August 15, 2009

Second in Command

So far, the ones making noise are the Presidentiables (i.e. Roxas and his padjak invading Friendster profiles, BF and his ridiculous online game, and the most disgusting political move known to man, Jamby and her yellow beads.

Not much is heard from people who are planning to run for the second highest seat in the bureaucracy - the vice presidency.

Currently, it is filled by former broadcaster Noli de Castro whose claim to fame is his Saturday show that specializes on anything related to the Halloween.

And this got me thinking, among all our politicians, who would actually qualify to become Second-in-Command?

Sen. Francis "Kiko" Pangilinan has already expressed his desire to run for the position. I will not vote for him though.

Buzz is rising on the possibility that Sen. Noynoy Aquino might actually run for the position. Ever since the late Pres. Cory Aquino's death, much talks have been raised regarding the Sen.'s plans for next year's national elections.

I think, Noynoy would make a good vice-president provided that he is second to the right President.

Who do you think would make a good vice-president?

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