Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Replacement

In 1983, Sen. Ninoy Aquino was assassinated in what is now the airport named after him. Much grief was felt by the country who lost a person who could have delivered them from the hands of the dictator that is Marcos.

The clamor for change was resounding all over the country. And Filipinos saw that in the form of a widow named Cory Aquino. The death of Ninoy changed the political landscape of the country permanently. People realized their potential to create change in society - People Power 1 of 1986 was instrumental in bringing democracy back the Filipinos. Cory was then dubbed as the Mother of Democracy of the country since.

On August 1, 2009, Pres. Cory Aquino died. Many mourned the passing of Mother of Philippine Democracy. Amidst all the sadness was a man named Noynoy. The Ninoy and Cory's only son. People acknowledged that with the death of Pres. Aquino, Noynoy and Kris were given much political influence. They're children of Ninoy and Cory after all. Then speculations started.

And like the unfolding of classic Filipino drama with all its surprises, twists and turns - Mar Roxas backs off the presidential race in support of Noynoy's bid. This morning, as of this writing, Noynoy announced his intent to run for President for the May 2010 Presidential Elections. And suddenly a lot of Filipinos declare support for the senator.

We replaced Ninoy with Cory, and now are we trying to replace Cory with Noynoy?

But the real question is this: If Noynoy declared his intent to run for President prior to the death of his mother (and I mean no disrespect) would you have voted for him?

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