Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pink is Out!

You and I both know how I really, really, REALLY DO NOT LIKE Bayani Fernando. I hate his tarps, his pink fences, his urinals, his ugly footbridges, his sucky online game, his freakin' political will. And as much as I don't like Mar Roxas as well, I'd easily choose him over Fernando if the universe conspires that I choose only from the two.

Imagine my joy when I learned that after much deliberation, Lakas-CMD chose Defense Sec. Gilbert Teodoro to become it's standard bearer in next year's elections over the Pink Dude.

In a closed door meeting of the political party, only 5 of 47 members voted for Fernando. While the rest voted for Teodoro.

Lakas-CMD conducted the meeting after Vice-President Noli de Castro categorically announced that he will not run for the administration.


I was able to interview Teodoro back in 2007 while I was still a student and he was still a congressman. I was writing our Congress beat paper for our news writing subject and he was one of the authors of the bill that I was writing about. I did not set-up an appointment with him. But he was gracious enough to accommodate my friends and I in his office even if we 'ambushed' him. He answered my questions candidly and he clearly knew what he was talking about. I didn't think then that the man that I interviewed would later on become a Presidentiable three years after - proof that our political landscape changes by the second.

So long Pink Dude!

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