Monday, September 21, 2009

The Padyak is Back!

A feisty Mar Roxas announced his vice-presidential bid as Noynoy Aquino's running mate under the Liberal Party (LP) for next year's May 2010 National Elections.

This early in the game, Roxas dissed Defense secretary and administration/Lakas-NUCD candidate Gilbert Teodoro saying that Aquino is much better than Teodoro.

When Aquino announced his bid to become the country's next president, he said that he's offering the VP position to Roxas. It should be noted that Roxas too aspired to become president, but a former president's death and the rise to political fame of that president's son prompted Roxas to withdraw his bid and settle for the passenger seat.

The pair said that they are partners in the "fight for genuine change." Looks like we have a slogan that we'll hear quite frequently the next few months.

I pity Roxas and his padyak dreams for the nation. He aimed so high only to find out that he's only suited for the next best thing.

And the same question still lingers in my mind: Would the political move wedding between Roxas and Korina Sanchez still happen?


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