The following is a letter to the Editor from an Inquirer reader:
Manny Villar’s latest TV commercial never fails to give me a minor shock every time I hear it due to the word “konyo.” Page 83 of my Larousse Spanish-English dictionary states that it is the vulgar word for “genital.” It can also mean “for f---’s sake” or “f---ing hell.”
No matter if the younger folk nowadays say it is derived from an accepted derogatory description of a braggy, affluent mestizo (konyo boy), I still believe the word is vulgar and quite unpleasant to the ears.
I can only imagine how the Spanish-speaking people in our midst are laughing at us Filipinos for allowing our ad board to approve this TV commercial for airing.
Zarate posed a very valid point. In our social context, the word "konyo" would refer to the lifestyle of the rich and famous. However, in its real essence, the word is nothing short of vulgar.
As Zarate pointed out, in the Spanish context, the word refers to the genitalia. And knowing our ultra-"conservative" society, someone should've brought this up as soon as the premature campaign started.
So why use such a word on a national campaign? Beats me.
But hey, if it would suit Villar to include human genitalia to his campaign, by all means.
Whew! What's the big deal? Why making fuss over that konyo? A large portion of our population understands that it's not the genitalia being referred to. I'm sure the ad's audience is for the Filipino youth, not the Spanish youth... and if you haven't saw it in your Spanish book, I'm sure you wouldn't think it's "bastos"? Context clues, man! And have you heard about "word evolution"? Peace, Dan! =)